NASHCO Photography
Population Isolation. April 2020. Life under the Covid Lockdown: First was self-portraits, a way to quell anxiety and preserve an unprecedented time in history. Then we moved outwards seeking all ages,races,genders,and sexual orientations. It became a strangely unifying experience, regardless of who you were, we were all isolated together.
Lucy Bogus, a cannabis cultivator, poses for a portrait at her parent's home where she had been staying since shelter-in-place began in the city. She keeps busy by taking care of her dogs, writing, and rearranging the house. Out of work and unsure about the future she wrote this,"My thoughts swirl with empathy for families, for healthcare workers, and scientists, and for everyone's fears. And I am filled with desire to help society though FEAR keeps me mostly frozen. As a heavy cannabis smoker I worry about how my lungs would handle a virus even though I'm not in any other high risk group. Planning for my future is so uncertain, my thoughts race, Should I go back to school? Just keep working? Volunteer? Make a baby? Take care of other people, or their babies? Should I be doing more? How Do I Do more? What will our world look like in 6 months to one year?"