Trending: Misleading Plastic Surgery Before-and-After Photos, and Misleading Fashion Ads

New photographic technologies are changing what many people expect from cosmetic surgery. "People used to come in with pictures of themselves when they were younger or a movie star's [face]," New York City-based plastic surgeon Melissa Doft recently told Allure magazine. Now, says Doft, they're bringing in photos that have clearly been Facetuned, filtered, or otherwise edited. "But you can never really match that. Surgery is not Photoshop," Doft added. In some instances, it is doctors themselves who feature misleading before-and-after pictures on their social-media pages.

Weekend Update: 03.06.2025

Friday, March 7, 6-8pm: First Friday Beats and Spoken Word at The Bronx FUTURA 2000’s critically acclaimed retrospective, BREAKING OUT, is on view through Sunday, March 30th! Don’t miss your chance to view this exhibition showcasing Futura’s five-decade career spanning his origins in the graffiti scene, his practice as an abstract contemporary artist, and his collaborations. Join crowd-favorite DJ Stormin’ Norman for a First Friday celebratio...