
Protest Art V.2: 03.10.2017

By Peggy Roalf   Friday March 10, 2017

After being inundated with hateful rhetoric for months of campaign, I could not get his image out of my head, most disturbingly even in sleep.  This portrait is my first attempt to remove him… it works... for awhile… then I make another.  “Fool’s Gold” is collaged with assorted debris.  The faces are getting progressively more hideous, reflecting the reality through my eyes.  I’m in the midst of collaging yet another!
Tom Cocotos

NOTE: The Protest Art page in DART remains open. Submissions may be sent to Info There is no deadline; the page will be posted on Fridays as art and ideas are received. Info



Post inauguration I became unwittingly despondent.  In an effort to appease my anger and disappointment in today's United States, I began attending rallies. And photographing them.  
I recently moved back to the US after living in Australia for the past 8.5 years.  Making portraits at rallies is a way to understand my America again; to find my personal thread within the current American social fabric. 
Stacy Mehrfar


My ode to Senator Elizabeth Warren, one of the most effective and important women in politics right now (also just in time for National Women’s Day tomorrow)!  I made this piece right after Mitch Mcconnell silenced her on the Senate floor when she tried to read the testimony of Coretta Scott King, condemning the civil rights record of Jeff Sessions.  McConnell said “She was warned.  She was given an explanation.  Nevertheless, she persisted”.  I admired that she continued reading and made record of her reading in the halls of the Senate.
Johanna Goodman


I have always believed that images are a form of microphone and if this is true then why hold one to your mouth if you have nothing to say.  Here is my latest illustration titled, "I wish WE had closed out borders to immigrants and refugees a long time ago," said the Native American being eaten by the Alaska Pipeline. 

Amanda Boehm-Garcia