Jennifer Cabral
MINE_IRA (9 of 11)
Using my family’s archives and images of my childhood I created a series of photographs entitled MINE_IRA. I played with words - “mine” as a noun, and a pronoun. But these two words quickly signified only one thing - that which is taken without permission.
mine (noun) : a pit or excavation in the earth from which mineral substances are taken mine (pronoun) : that which belongs to me
Once defined as a mine the terrain is subjugated to desecration and exploitation. No better symbol to such acts than “Serra Curral Del Rey” - a mountain ridge in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais which corralled and gently embraced my existence and that of the inhabitants of my hometown of Belo Horizonte as I grew up.
Drawn from memory the mountain ridge of Serra do Curral Del Rey became a revealing layer - from negative to positive - bringing into light the hidden secrets of the mountain and that of my body - we were both continually corrupted and pillaged, we were both being abused.