Muhammad Fadli
Indonesia is a new COVID-19 epicenter. The peak has yet to come. "After the pandemic we probably will have a lost generation."
Students at Jakarta's Elementary School No.1, in Manggarai, South Jakarta, Indonesia. Indonesia is a new COVID-19 epicenter. The peak has yet to come. "After the pandemic we probably will have a lost generation." September 2021. Students wait to be picked up by their parents after finishing limited face-to-face class at Jakarta's Elementary School No.1 on September 6, 2021, in Manggarai, South Jakarta, Indonesia. This school is one among 610 schools around Jakarta which restart face-to-face classes with strict health protocols enforced. So far, all schools are only open for three days a week, waiting for gradual evaluation until they are allowed to operate every day. The number of student is still also limited with half of the class still learn from home via video conference. After more than one year after the start of the pandemic, more than 600 schools around Jakarta begin to reintroduce face-to-face education by August 30, 2021. Although the outbreak is far from over in most parts of Indonesia, Nadiem Makarim the Indonesian Minister of Education pushed the risky move. "We have seen a decline in learning achievement, many children have dropped out of school, especially women. In various areas, there are many learning losses that have permanent impacts", he said during a meeting with Indonesian parliament.
National Geographic