
The Q&A: Sylvia Jun

By Peggy Roalf   Monday January 11, 2016

Q: Originally from Flushing, Queens what are some of your favorite things about living and working in your hometown?

A: There are so many things I love about this city. For starters, I'm a born and raised New Yorker so all of my family is here. Having a lot of friends from other states and countries, I am realizing more and more how lucky I am to have my family so close by. I also enjoy the fact that almost everything is accessible. Art is such a big part of our culture and galleries and museums are right there at your feet. I forget that in other places, if you want to see art, it's available, but you have to be intentional and seek it out.  

Q: Do you keep a sketchbook? 

A: I do keep a sketchbook. It's half sketchbook and half journal. It's nice to write down particular thoughts and feelings coupled with doodles so when I look back, I can remember exactly what I was feeling and reflect on where I am now. 

What is the balance between the art you create on paper versus in the computer?

I draw everything by hand. I only color and finish it on the computer. I love the fact that every single one of our hands are unique. We can draw the same things but it will come out differently. I think that's amazing and very special. 

Q: What is the most important item in your studio?

A: My sister got me this wooden acrobat flip toy from Italy earlier this year. Sometimes, I have this grand idea of what art is or what art should be, and I go down this rabbit hole because I don't know where my work is going, if my work is going down the "right" direction, or where it should be but then I see this toy and it's so simple. It's just a man that flips around when you press the two wooden sticks tighter and that's it. I just sit there and watch this man flip forward and backward or get tangled and stuck because I didn't press it hard enough for him to flip. It makes me laugh, it makes me happy and it reminds me what art is about. 

Q: What do you like best about your workspace? Do you think it needs improvement, if so, what would you change?

A: My workspace is my room so sometimes it's hard to separate the two. I definitely think it needs improvement. My goal is to be able to get my own studio space but if that doesn't happen, I would like to at least make a physical change in my room so one corner can be my work corner and the other corner be my bedroom. With that said, I do enjoy being able to work out of my bed and in my PJs.

Q: How do you know when the art is finished?

A: I once heard that you know when the work is finished when you can't take anything out, not add more. I tend to go by that rule.

Q: What was your favorite book as a child? What is the best book you’ve recently read?

A: My favorite book growing up was The BFG by Roald Dahl. I think I loved that book so much because Roald Dahl had such an imagination and with every turn of the page, I would either be reading something crazy, like a fizzy drink called Frobscottle or see an amazing illustration by Quentin Blake. 

I am a bit embarrassed to say this but I never read the Harry Potter series growing up and all my friends talk about how amazing the books are so I'm reading them now. I tried to read them when I was younger but then the movies came out and lost my motivation to read them. I am currently on the forth book and am enjoying it very much. 

Q: If you had to choose one medium to work in for an entire year, eliminating all others, what medium would you choose?

A: Pens. I love drawing with pens. Different pens have different personalities so I don't think I'll ever get bored of them.

Q: If you could time travel to any era, any place, where would you go?

A: There are so many eras and movements that I love, I actually think I would like to stay in this time period with all the access and knowledge on those subjects. In terms of place, I would love to travel the world and go everywhere. I want to learn about their history and their culture. Every culture has a different approach and definition of art so I would love to expand my knowledge and see through their eyes.

Q: What is preoccupying you at the moment?

A: I can't seem to shut off my brain so I am constantly thinking. I'll think about how I want to stop thinking. I think about my family, friends, my faith, health, my illustration career, where I want to be in life, where I would like to be in X years time, student loans, credit card bills, general financial security, where I would like to travel next, if I get the chance to—you know, the usual.

Q: What are some of your favorite places/books/blogs/websites for inspiration?

A: I consider myself to be a storyteller so any medium that tells stories is inspirational to me, such as music and TV movies. I love how everything starts with a small idea and then it turns into something tangible, whether it's a two minute song or a three hour long movie, political or about two kids goofing around.

Q: What was the [Thunderbolt] painting or drawing or film or otherwise that most affected your approach to art? 

A: I like to think that I have always been around art. I grew up singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, and etc. so probably every single one of them played a huge role in my life. One of the many people who really affected my approach to art was as I mentioned briefly before, Quentin Blake. His illustrations are so loose and free. I want people to see the freedom and happiness and looseness in my work, like I do in his. 

Q: What would be your last supper?

A: My last supper would be sam gyup sal. I would be a very satisfied and happy woman. 

Sylvia Jun is a Korean-American illustrator who was born and raised in New York. She loves working with her hands and her work is reflective of her personality—silly, colorful, and a little bit weird. She is a recipient of the Nancy Lee Rhodes Roberts Scholarship from Society of Illustrator's Student Competition in May of 2015 and she is fine with the fact that her cat doesn't like her because she loves Cat enough for the two of them. 

