
Ask an Artist: Steve Brodner

By Peggy Roalf   Tuesday December 30, 2014

The oncoming new year offers—besides champagne and fireworks—a chance to reflect on the last 364 days and, if possible, consider how we might, as a human race, make the world a better place. Not that this is in our power. After all, we’re merely human.

An on-air pundit recently had the effrontery to speak truth to power when he stated that politics today [unlike in earlier times, say prior to Gary Hart] attracts people who are mainly skilled at working the odds in their favor. “Screw the public,” they might say, as they re-feather their nests from public coffers. 

Just to be sure that we continue to be vigilant in the face of our designated powerlessness, as politicians increasingly take on the attributes formerly assigned to celebrities, I offer today a compendium of evidence from the pen of Steve Brodner.

Along with the many hats Steve wears might be added: Long-time behind-the-scene conscience of DART. A little-known fact for reader amusement: Before DART, the daily newsletter arrived, in August 2006, a precursor in the form of a print magazine made a brief appearance. In the first, and only edition, Steve Brodner was my inaugural Artist Q&A. Happy New Year!

Researched, written, illustrated by Steve Brodner, with great design (and animation help) help from Fred Woodward, Martin Salazar, and fact checking from Sarah Ball. See them all, on GQ online.