Mariela Sancari
From the series "The two headed horse"
The two headed horse
After my father’s suicide when we were 14 years-old, the lives of my twin sister and my mother, as well as my own, changed radically. Every aspect of our destiny as a middle class family was interrupted by his death.
We ran away on a trip, aimlessly, until arriving in Mexico.
The absence became presence among us and strengthened the bond between my sister and I that has led to a complex universe of meanings and roles, blurred memories and ideas that end up weaving an encrypted universe between fiction and reality.
This series of photographs are part of a project on this relationship with my sister. The trip (both real and metaphorical), the runaway, the clothing and the household objects we brought with us all create, frame and dress one being with two visions of reality, a being that imagines that they will find their dad around the corner.
I want to meditate about identity and memory and the many ways they are affected by time and space. Nature and the first home are a return to childhood and adolescence, when the loss of our father left us suspended in time.
Two views of one reality.