Lexey Swall
Casa Ruby Is A 'Chosen Family' For Trans People Who Need A Home
Casa Ruby Is A 'Chosen Family' For Trans People Who Need A Home. May 2015. If you're transgender in America, you're far more likely than other people to be unemployed, homeless and poor, and there's a 4-in-10 chance you've tried to kill yourself. It can be a confusing and lonely life. One woman who's been through it all is Ruby Corado. She's a 45-year-old transgender woman in Washington, D.C., who is now trying to help others along the difficult path. Corado is the founder and matriarch of Casa Ruby, a nonprofit agency located in a yellow brick rowhouse in the nation's capital. Corado says people here want a better life. They don't want to have to rely on drugs and prostitution to survive, which is what Corado did until a brutal attack by a client several years ago left her hospitalized and destitute. She says the only thing that kept her going was knowing there were others like her who needed help.