Jillian Edelstein
http://Valerie Paumelle www.valeriepaumelle-agent.com
NGO: FXB International 25 Year Anniversary
2014 marked the NGO, FXB International’s 25th anniversary year . July 2014. I was commissioned to create a photographic exhibition to celebrate this milestone – to raise awareness of FXB’s cause and to showcase the work the organisation has done over the past 25 years. I visited nearly 30 FXBVillage programmes across 6 countries – Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, China, Colombia and India. The FXB Village programme was pioneered by it's founder Albina du Boisrouvray in 1989, using self-sufficiency as it’s model. It has helped more than 12,000 families (or 75,000 people) out of extreme poverty across Africa, India, Latin America, China and South East Asia. Anajalai Devi is just one of the beneficiaries of FXB. She works daily in Villupuram District of Tamil Nadu turning coconut husks into coir matting for daily use.
Exhibited OXO Gallery, London August 2014, Sothebys, Paris October 2014 and Gallery Espace Murailles, December 2014