Haoyang Zhao
Wanderers, Dreamers, and You
This image is part of my final portfolio for my photographic course at Georgetown University, finished in May 2014, guided by Professor Mike Osborne. He describes my photographic interest as being an active observer, using the world in front of me as a stage, exploring the theatricality of everyday life. I think that does a good job summarising what I like about photography.
Wanderlust, a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world. The name of the project comes from the achievement title of World of Warcraft, a MMO-RPG game. I attempted to capture the essence of my desire to travel, and the experience of exploring more than 10 states in the U.S. was so imbued with a sense of dream-like quality. The grandeur, the broken, and the necessity for a change.
Most of the shots were made during my road trip throughout the western part of the country, traversing over 4000 miles of highway. Some trips, like the ones to NYC and Pittsburgh, were made possible through long-haul bus rides. In between shots, there are three images that I shoot while I was on my break back in London.