Benjamin Rasmussen
This Represents
Protestors in Ferguson, MO shot for Bloomberg Businessweek
Meldon Moffitt, 42 from Ferguson, MO. Protestors in Ferguson, MO shot for Bloomberg Businessweek. August 2014. Last night was a peaceful protest, but somehow these officers feel like they have to control what are doing peacefully and they moved in on us. They arrested me, putme to the ground and put these wire handcuffs on me. They took me to the command center up by the Target and let me sit in the van for at least two hours with someother guys that they arrested. I got out by about 4 this morning. I haven’t been home, I haven’t had a wink of sleep and I am not going anywhere. I am going to be hereuntil I hear that word, “Guilty”.
Bloomberg Businessweek