Andrea Frazzetta
The Enchanted Island of Centenarians
Filio Tsamoudaki, 95 years old, Ikaria Island, Greece, The Enchanted Island of Centenarians, October 2012, Deep within the Aegean sea, 35 miles off the coast of Turkey lies the Greek island of Ikaria.
A tiny island of about 10 thousand where the air is clean, The roads all go uphill or downhill. The houses are white and low. Ikarìa is a blue zone. Not so much for the color of the sea. But rather because its inhabitants easily live past a century: «We simply forgot to die», told one 101 years old woman.
The remote island of Ikaria is one hotspot of exceptional human longevity. Here, there are more healthy people over 90 than any other place on the planet.
The New York Times Magazine