Natalia Zaratiegui
'Best Seller' O Henry.
Best Seller by O Henry. Stories For Book Lovers. March 2021. I was commissioned to illustrate a book of selected stories by renowed authors such as Fitzgerald or Chéjov. The common thread of the stories is the literary world in its broader sense. I made 16 illustrations (7 double and 9 single pages), cover, endpapers and some spot illustrations.
This is the illustration for 'Best Seller' by O Henry. The story is about a man who is critical with the typical bestsellers' love stories, but at the same time his own love story is an example of that: a man meets a girl, and in spite of their social differences, they become happily married.
The illustration shows the man in front of his father in law's house. He is determined to talk to him, despite the difference in their social status.
Stories For Book Lovers