When a Populist Demagogue Takes Power. November 2016. Portrait of Philippines' president and controversial politician Rodrigo Duterte.
The New Yorker
Diego Patiño
The Jacky Winter Group
Lacht Hier Wer?
Lacht Hier Were? February 2016. What are we laughing at in the age of the internet. How gifs, vines and memes—amongst others—are changing the notions of what it's considered funny.
WIRED Germany
Diego Patiño
The Jacky Winter Group
The Power and the Story
The Power and the Story. March 2016. Portrait of career-politician, San Francisco former mayor and lobbyist Willie Brown depicting his darker side.
San Francisco Magazine
Diego Patiño
The Tough Guy
The Tough Guy. November 2016. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said that, if he was elected, "it will be bloody." His drug war has killed thousands.