David Schonauer

Books: An Ode to Japanese Parenting

AMAZON   Friday December 14, 2018

The Japanese word oyako is a combination of the characters for parent and child, notes photographer Bruce Osborn. “It is unique in that it combines the parent and child into one unit, stressing the group rather than the individual, and reflecting the vertical link between generations. The parent is the link to the past; the child, a bridge to the future,” he writes. Osborn, who has spent more than three decades covering Japanese society, has now brought out a book calls “Oyako: An Ode to Parents and Children.”   Read the full Story >>

Bruce Osborn's Bookcases

By Peggy Roalf   Wednesday May 27, 2020

Pimp Your Bookcases continues with photographer Bruce Osborne. Based in a seaside town near Tokyo, he discovered that social distancing could readily be accommodated through his ingrained practice of beachcombing. Peggy Roalf: Would you say that you have a particular type of library, or that you have more than one, based on your interests? Bruce Osborn: My library is a collection of many different …   Read the full Story >>

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