
A Logo for Everyone

By Peggy Roalf   Thursday August 22, 2013

France’s pharmacy sign—a green neon cross fabricated in seemingly unlimited iterations across the land—is the country’s most ubiquitous logo.

Sometimes it appears in a static—and in this case, stately—form, here at a deluxe pharmacy in Amiens [row one].

In the second row is an animated sign that provides weather and market reports along with the store’s business hours.

In row three, nested crosses in different colors suggest a cookie cutter set, then segue through medical symbols, including the classic rod of Asclepius, which signifies healing and medicine.

Croix de Pharmacie owners take pride in their signs--and take good care of them. Row four: a repair is being made on a sign in Pezenas.

My all-time favorite, though, is the italic version in row five, seen in Clermont-l'Hérault. The pharmacy smartly offers parking—a major draw in a busy town with only a few municipal lots. Photos: Peggy Roalf